Saturday, 3 July 2021

  • #75 Hard : Done and Dusted, but there's a catch

    15th June 2021 - Raviteja Gullapalli

    A friend of mine suggested that I take up a challenge called #75Hard. I've started this somewhere in December last year. I couldn't complete it. I restarted this challenge again on 1st April 2021 (3rd attempt). Right when the second COVID wave was starting to pick-up pace. My only motivation was to finish the challenge no matter what the outcome was. I finished it successfully this time, 75th day being today. 

    You might have read my previous post on #75Hard, my second attempt, and I'm not a big fan of it.

    Here's why. Majorly, it's the 'diet part'.

    This challenge is a great way to build habits, but are those sustainable?

    Anything we forcefully restrict for a regulated amount of time, 75 days in this case, is not sustainable. Instead take small challenges and stick to them for life, if they mean something to you. In short, do not avoid ice creams for a month, instead eat just a spoon of it everyday if it makes you feel better. Portion control is also a scientifically proven way to fortify onself against un-healthy eating habits.

    Diet for #75hard

    Keto, zero carb diet or calorie excess / deficit? Which one did I follow? This challenge should have been more clearer about diet.  For me zero carb diet is a myth and sugar is not really an enemy. And #75hard is not a mental toughness challenge as well because I'm not a binge eater. Sustainable goals FTW 🤘. Yet, I survived no ice creams, pan cakes and pastries - thanks to the lockdown.

    Life is simpler than you think.

    Also we are not robots. We are designed to function both physically and mentally beyond just a bunch of rules. Don't complicate life.

    Workouts is the easy part

    Working out for 90 minutes a day everyday, is doable, but unhealthy. I've had sleepless nights just because of this. Your body needs rest and #75hard is not a fitness challenge.

    It's cool to read on an ereader

    I'm a big fan of reading, be it hardcopies or on kindle. Yet, there's a weird rule of not considering e-books. I know, ereaders don't smell as books do, but kindle was the rrason i could read more. Ereaders had to hapen in my life.

    You must drink one gallon of water a day. 

    Yeah, that goes without saying for anyone living in the tropical savanna region (soon to be). 😂

    So, that's that, this is just my short interpretation of the challenge. It might really be helpful for some. Scroll down and drop in your views on the same. See you then. 



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