Thursday, 11 February 2021

  • A triggered post : Suicides

    06 January 2021 - Raviteja Gullapalli

    I've read a news article about a student committing suicide today, he did so 4 days after rejoining college, because he felt like a failure. That triggered me. So this post is for all those reading and are at some point vexed with their lives. 

    Globally, suicide is the 10th leading cause of death for all ages and a significantly preventable mental-health problem. Also for some as they think, it's the only solution to an unbearable situation. Really?

    I've had those thoughts. I've been there. I've seen it happening to others. I was closely attracted to the fact that, after-all, so many of my global idols committed suicide. Chester, Kurt ,SSR etc. Why can't it be me? I've not achieved anything great with my life anyway. What's the point in living? Lol. I was crazy.

    Still, No. It will never be me. If you are reading this, you shouldn't give up too. Here's why!

    Let me tell you something. Some say, talent, hard-work, commitment will get you somewhere. Some say luck and grace will bring you delight. Most of them say those who take risks and better decisions in life are always successful. There's a grading system and then an appraisal system. He / she is a failure if they fail at something. This is so badly infused in our system.


    You failed, congratulations.

    We've all failed at some point in our lives. And the World inherits this process of selection, the survival of the fittest. We CANNOT be the fittest at all times, Sorry.

    A lot of it that people say or think about survival or being successful or being recognized is not true. Hear me out. We think we are 'a failure model' because of several reasons as below.

    Let me break it down for you.


    Your bodily features, looks, color are all ancestral. You don't have to feel insecure about something that's a 'part of you'. Be the goddamn you for god's sake. Diversity starts with you accepting yourself first.

    Failed in the past.

    Your past failures have nothing to do with your future. They don't directly control you, neither does the society. It's all in your conscious mind. You are controlled and driven by your mind. Keep it calm and clear. Mind is such an under-rated entity of our body. First thing we need to teach ourselves is the true essence of our mind. Some day we'll all figure our mind's worth. Be patient.

    Fit or fat

    Fitness is not about being able to flaunt those sexy abs on the beach, it's never about appearance. It's unleashing your body's true potential to the extent you can. For an improved lifestyle and life span. Build healthy sustainable habits, because we never know what future has in store for us. Otherwise, you are what you are, beautiful.


    Hustling at the expense of sleep is something I always did. I think I still do. I was told this by elders during my early college days. Study, work your ass off, side-hustle during sleep hours, you'll get hefty success and returns. Everyone sleeps, utilize that time to be different. Again, BULLSHIT. Sleep is so underrated, and so related to the mind, that we ignore it. Sleep 6-7-8-9-10 hours a day. Also, unfortunately it's this time we choose everyday to contemplate, plan and imagine our future. Conscious dreaming or lucid dreams simply mean less quality sleep. I've so many friends who talk about lack of sleep, turning into insomnia. Especially for our generation, sleeping for 7-8 hours is of outmost importance. Our screen time, exposure to blue light etc. are the reasons that it's no longer 6 hours of sleep. Do not follow those old people who sleep less than 4 hours, our digital generation is different. Lack or sleep, insomnia are the long term results of feeling unfulfilled. 

    By the way, here's a zinger. Frame it.

    "Fuck that thought that you failed. Don't ever think that you are a failure. It's even grammatically incorrect to be a failure. You are not a machine."

    And finally, here's that feeling, something many of us had gone through, or is going through right now, that leads to an unstable mind.

    Everything is out of control and I'm so un-stable.

    Every day is a fresh day. You have 24 hours a day and an inherited intellectual mindset until you die. All you have to do is survive, a basic human right. It's the societal pressure, family and relationship issues, financial instabilities, emotional insecurities, childhood abuse etc. that break us on the inside. Puts our life, mostly mind, out of control. 

    Or simply LOST.

    Thing is, we can never have a control over all the external factors. But we do have a control over our consciousness. Suicide is not an easy death, yet just a conscious decision away from all the problems. Don't give up the extra hours you could've put on trying to be the fittest to survive. Chances are that you'd have made it, figured out, and turned your status upside down. 2020 and covid19 has taught us all about survival. That life is already so vulnerable and unpredictable. Keep trying, set SMART goals, (dreams in action) and make it to the list of successful human beings that survived, or tried to survive at the least.

     You are already SMART, man. Make use of it. You are a resource and this Country's future depends on it. You can be and can do anything.

    You don't take back anything else that you've achieved with you. At least survive and live while you can. People and the society keep comparing you with others better than you all the time. Ignore. And get a therapist when you're mind is out of control. I know, it's such a cliché suggestion. But I also know that it helps. That's all I can say.

    Stay put, stay healthy and stay safe.

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